Automotive oddity website,
Plymouthmatic steering wheel clock / watch overflow page

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A high priced option for a low priced car

The Plymouthmatic is rare because $50 was a pretty high price to pay for a clock when the customer was buying an inexpensive car. I have had a few of them over the years but it has been a while so I do not have really good clear images of them.

Here it is the Plymouthmatic

The mount on the Plymouthmatic for the 2 3/4" hole opening

Here is a DK14 15 jewel movement with the back cover removed. It is a bump wind movement that allows the pendulum to move back and forth just a little bit to wind

Go to the steering wheel clocks home page
If you have additional information, images or literature you would like to share I will add it to the webpage during a future update. Also if you have any of these clocks for sale I am a buyer or may be able to help you find a buyer
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Site Built:       08/22/10
Last Update:   08/25/10
Use of images or information on these pages is forbiden without permission. I will be glad to assist magazine editors etc. in putting together an article about these clocks and only ask that the website be mentioned in the article and I get a copy of the final publication.

Welcome to my mis-spelled word file!

These are common and sometimes uncommon ways to mis-spell the primary words on this site! I provide this as a service to the phonically challenged because they are people too! Or maybe they have a typing handicap like myself. Crysler, Chrystler, Christler, Desota, De Sota, Desotoe, Desoda, Dasoda, fibre, fibreglass hiway, hifi, krysler, Mo Par, Peddel, Peddal, Peddle, Plymoth, Plimoth, Plimouth,