Clock guts sitting in the bottom half of the shipping container
Heavy pendulum that is used to wind the clock during normal driving. If you can remove this when shipping or the mount plate stem can break off if it is dropped
Back of clock guts with winder removed for shipping unlike the first series clocks that had bump winders this pendulum rotates all the way around when the wheel is turned.
Guts and the original shipping tin container
Complete original clock guts with shipping container and boxes
Guts siting on box
One more time
On the left is a 1957-58 Chrysler Desoto steering wheel clock retainer and on the right is an original 57-58 horn ring center. Obviously the clock guts are not just stuck in the back of the original horn ring center, it requires the special retainer. And the 1957-58 Plymouth application is the same. with the center power steering nameplate removed the clock guts just fall through the center hole since the special retainer is needed.
Go to the steering wheel clocks home page
If you have additional information, images or literature you would like to share I will add it to the webpage during a future update. Also if you have any of these clocks for sale I am a buyer or may be able to help you find a buyer
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Site Built: 08/22/10
Last Update: 08/25/10 |
These are common and sometimes uncommon ways to mis-spell the primary words on this site! I provide this as a service to the phonically challenged because they are people too! Or maybe they have a typing handicap like myself. Crysler, Chrystler, Christler, Desota, De Sota, Desotoe, Desoda, Dasoda, fibre, fibreglass hiway, hifi, krysler, Mo Par, Peddel, Peddal, Peddle, Plymoth, Plimoth, Plimouth,