Automotive oddity website,
MoPar parts id service
If you have New Old Stock (NOS) MoPar parts but you can not determine what they fit, just send me the numbers and I will do my best to help! I have MoPar passenger car and truck parts books ranging from 1929 through 1970 along with supersedence lists, fast moving part manuals and lots of other parts books. I can not find them all but I do pretty well, there is no charge for this service, but there is a catch! If you have a part I want for my car I will try to get it from you. I also ask that if you send a lot of numbers at one time that you put them in numerical order. This makes it much easier for me to look up now some hints, tips and general information about the MoPar parts numbering system!
Superseded part #s:
Through the years mother MoPar tended to change the part #s on parts on a regular basis. Sometimes the same part was given another #, and sometimes another part # was determined to do the same job. (Or close enough) and one of the #s was deleted and the other was to be used in it's place. Therefore some parts can have 5 different potential part #s or more. Are they all the same part? Not always! One case in point was the 1957 locking gas cap for Chrysler, Desoto and Dodge part #1737-104 and Plymouth used the #1820-187 the difference was the Plymouth version was a little shorter. The 1737-104 cap could not fit on the Plymouth as it interfered with the gas door. Well it was bound to happen someone in mid 1957 figured out that the shorter Plymouth version fit all of the cars! (Duh) and the 1737-104 part # was superseded by the 1820-187 part #. Are they the same piece? No! Do they do the same job? Yes! One problem is the part # disappeared from site. If you found some of these in an old dealership (like I did) and checked your 55-58 parts book it would not be there! You would have to check the 55-57 book or the supersedence list of 1961. Or if you are lucky you have the accessories manual or accessory announcement bulletins you could find it there. The whole numbering system can be a mess.
Casting #s
If you have an old MoPar nos part and the original packaging is shot, you can sometimes find a part # cast into the piece. This is the casting # sometimes it matches the real part # and sometimes it is way off. It can also be an individual part # that was never released by itself but was part of a larger assembly this method of tracking a part is sometimes tricky.
Rule of thumb:
This is only a rule of thumb! This is not gospel! In most cases you can determine when a part # was issued by adding 40 to the first 2 digit of a 7 digit MoPar part #. Example: 1737-104 (17 + 40 = 57) 1957 was the year that this part number was issued. I say the part # was issued not what year the part fits! Example part #625-616 is a quarter courtesy light switch! The part was first introduced in 1936 (only use the first digit of a 6 digit #) but it was still in use in the late 50s and maybe even later. The # was not superseded for a long time. Another example of this is part #2275-506. The part # was issued in 1962 but is superseded earlier part #s and the part fits late 50s vintage cars. That is why this can only be used as a rule of thumb. But it can give you an area to start looking! In the late 60s they started using the 35XX-XXX series of #s the
add 40 rule is lost with these #s and later.
I am still looking for a script to put a form to fill out on the page
Site Built: 04/01/00
Last Update: 02/17/08

Welcome to my mis-spelled word file!
These are common and sometimes uncommon ways to
mis-spell the primary words on this site! I provide this as a service to the phonically
challenged because they are people too! Or maybe they have a typing handicap like myself.
Crysler, Chrystler, Christler, Desota, De Sota, Desotoe, Desoda, Dasoda, fibre, fibreglass
hiway, hifi, krysler, Mo Par, Peddel, Peddal, Peddle, Plymoth, Plimoth, Plimouth,