Desoto Retailer![]() Desoto Report ![]() Desoto service selling ![]() People and Places ![]() Plymouth Merchandiser ![]() Plymouth Traveler ![]() Chrysler news ![]() Chrysler Tonic ![]() CTC News ![]() |
The following is a list of some of the publications that were put out by Chrysler corp. for it various dealer networks. I have tried to give a little detail on each one. Since I am a Desoto collector most of them are related to the Desoto line. And are primarily related to the late 50s, I am sure that this is not a complete list but it is a start. If you have more to add drop me a line and an image if possible and I will add it for others to enjoy.
This magazine was targeted at the dealership owners, salesmen and office staff and was not intended for distribution to the general public. The focus of the magazine was on things like new features and options. And there was constant coverage on tips from salesmen (and even some women believe it or not) on what they were doing to make the sale. Ideas for promotions and lists of the top salesmen across the country! Because these listed so many dealerships and employees by name I have used them many times to locate ex dealership employees and parts/ memorabilia. By cross checking the names against current local telephone listings. And much of my Desoto dealer list was derived from this source.
Desoto retailer
This magazine was targeted at the Desoto salesmen and like many of the other magazines were not intended for distribution to the general public, The primary focus of this publication was to announce new upcoming sales promotions and to recognize top salesmen from across the nation. Along with feature articles on some of the top salesmen in the nation and how they do such a great job "monkey see, monkey do"
Desoto report
This magazine was targeted at the dealership parts department managers and their employees as well as the mechanics and was not intended for distribution to the general public. As with many of the other magazines they were used to pass on ideas of how other dealerships across the country were using to get more sales in the parts and accessories. Upcoming promotions and promotional materials and profiles of successful parts department managers from across the country. This is another nice source for dealership employee's names.
Desoto service selling
Put out by Chrysler corp. for the Desoto Plymouth dealers across the country. This magazine was intended for distribution to the general public. The dealers would send their mailing list to Chrysler and each month the magazines would be sent with the dealer's name stamped on the back to past customers. Potential customers various businesses around town like gas stations dentists, doctors, restaurants etc. since this magazine featured articles and pictures of various content not car related. It worked like a people magazine of today with one major advantage, the only ads that were in it were Desoto and Plymouth. Cut out the competition by providing these to any business with a lobby or a waiting room including the dealerships lobby etc. after all it does not make a lot of sense for your customers waiting on their car to be serviced to be reading about the new Chevy. It is for this same reason that these are not of great interest to the avid Desoto Plymouth collector as they did not feature the cars themselves except for new model introductions. and sometimes when the use of the new car could be tied into the article on a different subject.
People and places
Like the Desoto retailer this magazine was targeted at the dealership owners, salesmen and office staff and was not intended for distribution to the general public. The focus of the magazine was on things like new features and options. And there was constant coverage of tips from salesmen on what they were doing to close the sale. Ideas for promotions and lists of the top salesmen across the country! Because these listed so many dealerships and employees by name I have used them many times to locate ex dealerships and their employees along with parts/ memorabilia. By cross checking the names against current local telephone listings.
Plymouth Merchandiser
This magazine saw it's first issue printed in December of 1959 and I believe it was a replacement for the people and places magazine. As I have never seen a people and places dated past November of 1959. The first issues even has ads for the new 1960 Desoto in them. As far as I am concerned this was a warning of the coming demise of Desoto along with loosing their production facility. (They moved in with Chrysler in 1959) the convertible and station wagons were absent in the 1960 Desoto line up while still available in the other lines. Like the people and places magazine this publication did not focus primarily on the cars but covered items of general interest to all readers. With one major advantage "no competitive ads" as new models were introduced features would be run on the cars and the new styling, options, etc. other than that they are pretty dry reading for you average car buff.
Plymouth traveler
Like the Desoto retailer and the Plymouth Merchandiser this magazine was targeted at the dealership owners, salesmen and office staff and was not intended for distribution to the general public. The focus of the magazine was on things like new features and options. And there was constant coverage of tips from salesmen on what they were doing to close the sale. Ideas for promotions and lists of the top salesmen across the country! Because these listed so many dealerships and employees by name I have used them many times to locate ex dealerships and their employees along with parts/ memorabilia. By cross checking the names against current local telephone listings.
Dodge Reporter
Similar to the Plymouth Traveler and the Desoto's people and places. This was intended for mass distribution to the general public. Articles were on various topics of general interest with automotive specific articles limited to new model introductions etc.. Basically a sales aide in that it could be placed in coffee shops, restaurants, barber shops etc. and provide interesting reading for the masses without those pesky ads from the competition getting in the way. There is nothing quite as nice as a captive reading audience is there.
Dodge news
One of the few that is still alive and kicking in this category! And it has been around for a long time. The earliest issue that I have in my collection is from November of 1927 (prior to the birth of Desoto and Plymouth lines) and even before the purchase of the Dodge brand name, the real early days and this issue is marked vol. 3 No. 7. This would indicate that the magazine has been around since 1924 the first year of Chrysler during the days of the Maxwell motor company. The magazine focused on general issues, but did feature the use of Chrysler cars to complete many of the tasks mentioned in the articles.
Chrysler news
The Chrysler magazine! put out by Chrysler corp. for its dealers across the country. This magazine was intended for distribution to the general public. The dealers would send their mailing list to Chrysler and each month the magazines would be sent with the dealer's name stamped on the back to past customers. Potential customers various businesses around town like gas stations dentists, doctors, restaurants etc. since this magazine featured articles and pictures of various content not car related. It worked like a people magazine of today with one major advantage, the only ads that were in it were Chrysler. Cut out the competition by providing these to any business with a lobby or a waiting room including the dealerships lobby etc. after all it does not make a lot of sense for your customers waiting on their car to be serviced to be reading about the new Chevy. It is for this same reason that these are not of great interest to the avid Chrysler collector as they did not feature the cars themselves except for new model introductions. and sometimes when the use of the new car could be tied into the article on a different subject. The first issue was November/December 1957.
This was an internal Magazine for employees at the assembly plants! with features on the new model line, plant happenings such as picnics. it also spotlighted some of the family members of employees that were doing special things in their communities. This magazine is nice because it carries many in plant photos that are so hard to come by.
The Chrysler magazine
this one was put out for Chrysler Dealers and salesmen. it featured various promotions on a national level and showcased salesmen across the country with sales success stories to tell. this would be comparable to the Desoto retailer magazine.
Chrysler tonic
I only have one of these and it is from February 1958 and is marked volume 2 number 2 so I would say that it started in 1958 probably in January. Like the name implies the publication covers issues relevant to the training of dealership mechanics and salesmen. And outlines how it is getting hard to find qualified individuals to work on and sell the new technologically advanced models. Another feature covers the new facilities in Newark Delaware and the one under construction in Georgia along with the existing facility in Detroit. Obviously this publication was aimed at the dealership owner, sales and service managers. And listed upcoming training dates at the training facilities. So that arraignments could be made to train the crew to be more productive.
CTC news (Chrysler training center news)
This is a publication for Dodge and Plymouth dealerships. Aimed at the service and parts department employees. With information on sales tactics for increasing dealership profit through the parts and service departments. Upcoming promotions and ideas that had proven successful at other dealerships across the country.
Bin and bench
This is a publication for Plymouth dealerships. Aimed at the service and parts department employees. With information on sales tactics for increasing dealership profit through the parts and service departments. Upcoming promotions and ideas that had proven successful at other dealerships across the country.
Plymouth pointers
This is a publication for Chrysler Plymouth dealerships. Aimed at the service and parts department employees. With information on sales tactics for increasing dealership profit through the parts and service departments. Upcoming promotions and ideas that had proven successful at other dealerships across the country.
Guide lines
This is a publication for Desoto Plymouth dealerships. Aimed at the service and parts department employees. With information on sales tactics for increasing dealership profit through the parts and service departments. Upcoming promotions and ideas that had proven successful at other dealerships across the country.
A general publication for dealership staff no matter what line they sold! put out in the late 50s and early 60s and was much like the Desoto retailer in coverage.
The forward look news
I would love to expand my collection of these magazines! If you have any extras that you are willing to part with please let me know.
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Site Built: 04/01/00
Last Update: 02/17/08 |
These are common and sometimes uncommon ways to mis-spell the primary words on this site! I provide this as a service to the phonically challenged because they are people too! Or maybe they have a typing handicap like myself. Crysler, Chrystler, Christler, Desota, De Sota, Desotoe, Desoda, Dasoda, fibre, fibreglass hiway, hifi, krysler, Mo Par, Peddel, Peddal, Peddle, Plymoth, Plimoth, Plimouth,